
Friday's Review: Lego Batman

You all knew it was coming.
With the lack of games being released, I have to cover games I've owned for a while.

Positives: the game is mind numbingly entertaining, and presents easy enough gameplay. Basically, if you like Lego games, you'll like this one.
The fact that you get to play as the heroes, than the badguys is neat.
Working on the achievements for the game (if you're a completionist, like me, and have a 360) will keep you entertained.

Negatives: It's easy to get bored of this game.
Obviously, if you don't like the Lego games, you probably won't even look at the case on the shelf.

Overall, I'd give this game a 3/5* just because yes, it does give me something to do when I don't feel like reading, or I'm sick, but it doesn't keep my attention long enough to be worth while.
Thanks for reading and have a happy new year everyone!


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