
Friday's Review: Lego Batman

You all knew it was coming.
With the lack of games being released, I have to cover games I've owned for a while.

Positives: the game is mind numbingly entertaining, and presents easy enough gameplay. Basically, if you like Lego games, you'll like this one.
The fact that you get to play as the heroes, than the badguys is neat.
Working on the achievements for the game (if you're a completionist, like me, and have a 360) will keep you entertained.

Negatives: It's easy to get bored of this game.
Obviously, if you don't like the Lego games, you probably won't even look at the case on the shelf.

Overall, I'd give this game a 3/5* just because yes, it does give me something to do when I don't feel like reading, or I'm sick, but it doesn't keep my attention long enough to be worth while.
Thanks for reading and have a happy new year everyone!



Monday's Review: Sherlock

HA, only a DAY late this time =]

Monday Movie Sherlock Holmes

kay, saw this monday night and was amazed. This was a great movie and I might possibly be so in love with it because Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law are both gorgeous and entertaining.
I haven't read much of Sherlock, but the movie portrays him as being very physical [meaning he fights lots].
He seems like a 19th century one-man CSI unit. He walks into a room and can figure everything out, he has what seems like identic memory [not complaining, so does Dr. Reid on Criminal Minds] and he can analyse a person's entire personality by talking to them for about a minute.
The story worried me at first but than I got more into it and was really able to enjoy myself.
There was quite a bit of action, jokes, and actual mystery that Sherlock, of course, sorts out in the nick of time.
Overall, I'd give it 4/5*. I love the period movies [and the soundtrack], costumes. Rachel MacAdams was amazing, and as I mentioned, both leading men were good-looking and engaging enough to keep my attention the whole time.
Thanks for reading, and now:
What movie have you gone to the cinema to see lately, and what did you think?

Any comments or questions can be left in the comments section and feel free to follow me!



Fridays Review

Okay, so I know, I know. Two, almost 3 days late, but I was busy with christmas, family and WORK. [I'm just as lame as my excuses.]

So, I shall cover a game I got for christmas, than.

I got Guitar Hero 5 =] [yay me]

The positives: The songs I've unlocked thus far are a good selection and include songs for people who like rock, punk, [some] metal and a couple more 'poppy' songs. /shrug Fairly pleased.

The challenge and test on hand/finger-eye coordination is increasily frustrating yet entertaining.

I like the customization of the rocker and guitar [i don't have all the instruments at this point...yet] and the idea of using my avatar as the rocker.

The negatives: I know it's not fair to put this in, BUT the fact that I can't actually DO some of the bonus challenges because I don't have the mic or drum set is kind of annoying. If I wanted the whole band, I'd get Rock Band, thanks.

Because I haven't been able to play it as much as I'd like to, that's all I have right now. I realise it's dumb to do a review of a game I haven't played much, but it was this or Lego Batman [heck yeah!], so be happy.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment and/or follow this blog ;) You know you want to.

Thanks for reading and happy holidays!



Kay, i know i suck

I am horrible, i know. I've just been really bus... no. you know what, for the people who read this, you deserve something better than an excuse.
I've been stupidly lazy and haven't had anything to really comment on.
I promise, my new year's resolution: hold true to my blogs, even if they don't get views or comments, AND to make more videos on youtube. =3 Sound fair?

ANYWAYS. Technically, it's Wednesday and so my song of the day: 'Damned if I do ya, Damned if I don't' by the All Time Low. Super catchy and it's a funny video =] Source for listening: Video on Trial [MuchMusic].

Know what? Just because I've sucked at my other promises...;

Game of the month: EITHER Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [4.2], OR Assassin's Creed 2.
Both games are simply amazing. CoD4.2 is just a whole new experience with, I do admit, a short storyline but the online play and special ops definately make up for the lack of campain time.
Assassin's Creed 2: MUCH better than the first. With a new assassin to play as and actual little jobs to do, the game is a lot more entertaining. Yes, it can get a little repetative, but I found that with courier jobs and races to run I was able to keep my attention to the game longer than the first. I've had lots of people say that the time played as Desmond felt like a waste, but I really enjoyed how they showed the comparisons of lives and the 'bleeding effect.'

CD of the month: [2 parter as well, kind of] Glee Season 1 Vol 1 AND 2. Over the past few months, I have fallen into a deep and passionate love with a few series on tv [covered below] and Glee is one that I couldn't stop watching. Seen as it's a musical in tv form, it only made sense for a soundtrack to be made for it. The soundtrack[s] cover the hit songs from the show by the cast. It's fun to listen to and I found myself singing and dancing along to all the songs, remembering what was happening in the episode while each song was sung.

Movie of the month: If you know me at all, you'll know which movie I chose for the title, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Price. <3 I am a harry potter FREAK and I couldn't stop going back to the theatres to see it. The second it hit stores, I knew I had to have it. While the story line doesn't follow the book [like it should], it was fun to watch and kept my adoration of the series alive and ready for the next 2 movies.
[The Hangover was a close second, and is hilarious if you don't mind REALLY crude humor].

TV shows: Shows I have been addicted to? Criminal Minds, Glee, Ugly Betty. The storylines have been amazing, entertaining, heartbreaking and tear jerking. I had to mention tv shows, even though they started in September, they END around now and I had to give them their last horrah before the season ends.

Well, that was a fun little catch up time. I promise I will TRY and keep up the reviews. Maybe I'll go pick a game to cover now and post it at midnight on CHRISTMAS DAY. [super excited.]
Thanks to everyone who ACTUALLY reads this and have a great holiday season. <3




So; i know i started off with a bang, and i had my blogs ALL typed out and than we got a weather warning and today is the first day my power hasn't gone out.

i will post a game blog tomorrow and try to get into the swing of things again.




Music No. 1

My playlist this month consists of: Hedley, Owl City, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, The Academy Is..., Black Eyed Peas, and P!nk.
Most listened to songs this week: Fireflies; Owl City. Everything We Had; The Academy Is.... Party in the USA; Miley Cyrus. Perfect; Marianas Trench.
Latest cd bought: Fast Times At Barrington High; The Academy Is...
Favourite bands right now: Owl City, Marianas Trench, The Academy Is...

Two nights ago I saw Carley Rae Jepsen, New Cities, and Marianas Trench on the Beside You Tour '09. It was magic, and so I feel it appropriate to review the concert. =]
Carley opened the show, and the first thing my friend, Caity and I noticed was the cute guy playing random instruments; Tavish [<3] Carley's music was feel good, light songs and she was.. 'cute', to say the least. She has a nice voice and she related well to the audience.
Second to come out was The New Cities, and right from the start, they were high energy and loud music. Lead singer, Dave, was running from side to side of the stage and dancing for the crowd as the girls in the front groped what they could of him. The drummer was insane as was the keyboard player, both obviously very enthusiastic about playing the songs. Their sound is electronic pop/rock and just fun to listen to. It should be noted that throughout their performance, they talked about their mic's being 'hot'.
As it turns out, the header band, Marianas Trench, put tabasco sauce on the microphones.
Right after New Cities finished, Dave was rolled out onto the stage, taped to a dolly and wearing a sombraro. He was pushed out by the main band and the crowd got a laugh as we waited for the prep crew to finish. Dave talked with the crowd closest to him, and got moved to the other side of the stage so they could have a go. All the while the stage is being made ready for Marianas Trench's portion of the night.
The main band comes out and Dave is still on the stage. Lead singer, Josh Ramsay [yum] is singing 'Masterpiece Theatre' and laughing a little at his prank victim when, all of the sudden, Dave falls flat on his face, unable to move. Josh sings and plays on, motioning for someone to save the singer. With Dave rescued, Marianas Trench do their show, stopping at points to tell us that New Cities has pranked them by playing a porno through their ear pieces, and the band laughs, Josh tells us that the night before, his pants ripped and he got exposed, hoping that doesn't happen a second time. As a slow song starts, and only Josh is left on the stage, sitting on a stool, playing his guitar, Dave comes out, holding a 'blood-soaked' towel to his face with 'blood' all down the front of his shirt. These bands are obviously all about having a good time. After wiping the mess all over Josh's face and laughing about it, the concert continues. Josh's voice always perfect as he hits higher notes than most females and holding them, and sings all of the songs from their latest album, "Masterpiece Theatre", except 'Lover Dearest'.
The concert was a lot of fun and showcased two other great acts, both of who will be on everyone's music players sooner than later. The whole thing was high energy, smiles, and attractiveness [mostly on Josh Ramsay's part] that made the crowd sing and laugh along the entire show. My only complaint: it ended.


First of [Hopefully] Many

Hi, and hello, all.
Sarah here and this blog is going to be a review page for movies, music and games.
I've set up a schedule for myself; here's to hoping I actually hold true to it.

Mondays: Movies
Wednesdays: Music
Fridays: Video Games

Simple enough, right? We'll see.

To start with I'm just going to review whatever I already own, or rent from work.
If people ACTUALLY read the blog, they should feel free to do requests or suggestions.

I do have a couple of restrictions, and it's for the video games portion of my page.

I own:
  • Super Nintendo
  • N64
  • Game Boy Color
  • Game Cube
  • DS
  • Xbox
  • Xbox 360
  • PC

I hope to get some sony systems in the future, but the way things stand now, it'll be these for a while.

Music, there's no real problem. I listen to everything, basically, and I live on youtube which means that if someone DOES suggest a song//artist, I can look them up and see what I can find. Mostly, for music, once a month I make myself a playlist that I pretty much live off of, and I try to circulate the songs as much as possible. There are some artists that I listen to religiously and their names will pop up often.

Movies, again, I watch anything and I work at a rental store, so I have access to movies, if I don't already own them.

As I said before, at first these will be older songs/games/movies that I feel like spotlighting. Feel free to make suggestions and ask questions, I adore chatting for hours about these things. Eventually I'll most likely add books to the week, just so I get to talk about them, too.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. =]
