
Kay, i know i suck

I am horrible, i know. I've just been really bus... no. you know what, for the people who read this, you deserve something better than an excuse.
I've been stupidly lazy and haven't had anything to really comment on.
I promise, my new year's resolution: hold true to my blogs, even if they don't get views or comments, AND to make more videos on youtube. =3 Sound fair?

ANYWAYS. Technically, it's Wednesday and so my song of the day: 'Damned if I do ya, Damned if I don't' by the All Time Low. Super catchy and it's a funny video =] Source for listening: Video on Trial [MuchMusic].

Know what? Just because I've sucked at my other promises...;

Game of the month: EITHER Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [4.2], OR Assassin's Creed 2.
Both games are simply amazing. CoD4.2 is just a whole new experience with, I do admit, a short storyline but the online play and special ops definately make up for the lack of campain time.
Assassin's Creed 2: MUCH better than the first. With a new assassin to play as and actual little jobs to do, the game is a lot more entertaining. Yes, it can get a little repetative, but I found that with courier jobs and races to run I was able to keep my attention to the game longer than the first. I've had lots of people say that the time played as Desmond felt like a waste, but I really enjoyed how they showed the comparisons of lives and the 'bleeding effect.'

CD of the month: [2 parter as well, kind of] Glee Season 1 Vol 1 AND 2. Over the past few months, I have fallen into a deep and passionate love with a few series on tv [covered below] and Glee is one that I couldn't stop watching. Seen as it's a musical in tv form, it only made sense for a soundtrack to be made for it. The soundtrack[s] cover the hit songs from the show by the cast. It's fun to listen to and I found myself singing and dancing along to all the songs, remembering what was happening in the episode while each song was sung.

Movie of the month: If you know me at all, you'll know which movie I chose for the title, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Price. <3 I am a harry potter FREAK and I couldn't stop going back to the theatres to see it. The second it hit stores, I knew I had to have it. While the story line doesn't follow the book [like it should], it was fun to watch and kept my adoration of the series alive and ready for the next 2 movies.
[The Hangover was a close second, and is hilarious if you don't mind REALLY crude humor].

TV shows: Shows I have been addicted to? Criminal Minds, Glee, Ugly Betty. The storylines have been amazing, entertaining, heartbreaking and tear jerking. I had to mention tv shows, even though they started in September, they END around now and I had to give them their last horrah before the season ends.

Well, that was a fun little catch up time. I promise I will TRY and keep up the reviews. Maybe I'll go pick a game to cover now and post it at midnight on CHRISTMAS DAY. [super excited.]
Thanks to everyone who ACTUALLY reads this and have a great holiday season. <3


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