
Belated and sorry

Okay, so now that I'm going to school, I'm going to be doing an article AND a review once a week, and as I'm sure you're thinking right now, that'll be near impossible for me, the way I keep up with things. Maybe I'll change this to once a week review on anything... Just a thought.

Anyways, review! Today is...Monday, so that would normally mean brand new movie, but as I haven't actually had time to watch anything 'brand new' lately, I'll do a review on... Paranormal Activity. (It was either this or Jennifer's Body, and I enjoyed this one more, which is honestly sad.)

Paranormal Activity was said to be the scariest movie ever, everyone I talked to that had seen it said that they might've wet their pants because they were so horrified. Trust be told, I am one of the jumpiest people I know, and I didn't jump once, in fact, I was falling asleep through parts.
This movie was entertaining to a point, and the effects were very well done. I sat through the entire thing and nodded, thinking to myself that it wasn't THAT bad. The acting was acceptable and the lack of a soundtrack added to the mood of the movie. If you enjoy filming in the style of 'The Blair Witch Project', you'll like this, which is to say, home-made movie with dodgy sound and picture quality. The fact that nearly the ONLY set you see is the inside of the couple's house adds something to the feel of the movie. The most private place in someone's world, and that's all audiences see. Lastly, the only actors used in this film are the two main characters, her sister, and (from what I remember) a psycic which added a very personal side to the movie.
Though the effects were done well, the lack of music added an eerie feel, and a very minimal change in set made the viewer feel like this were real, these things and more, I found, took away from the movie in general. With all of the possible effects in this day and age, the filmmakers could've done more to make the haunt-er seem a lot more real. I'm not used to movies without a soundtrack, and I found that in this one, that was the main reason I was getting bored. I need something more than effects and acting to keep me entertained during those longer scenes with very little dialouge. Almost only seeing the inside of the house, I felt almost restricted and annoyed. If someone's screaming her lungs out, could the neighbors not hear, or do they not care? When the leading lady gets home from work, the camera-man goes outside and films her, and you can see that they live in what looks like a suburb (major Desperate Housewives feel), so why does no one come running? Finally, as mentioned before, this was supposed to be super scary, and, maybe a mix of the reasons above, or just terrible script writing I didn't get scared at ALL. Possible nerves 'o' steel on my part could be a factor (joke), but I doubt it.
Overall, a boring movie that made an hour and a half feel like three. I give this movie a 2.5/5* and a .5/5 on the scream scale. With a lot of potential, and not bad acting, this movie didn't completely bomb, in my opinion.
Question of the...Blog. =]
What did you think of this movie, and/or what's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
Feel free to comment below, and to follow this blog, and the other one I occationally write.
Thanks for your time, and for reading.


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